Rajnikanth-Aishwarya Rai starrer Robot released in 2,000 screens worldwide, half of them in India uncomparable. Girish Wankhede of Cinemax business of multiplexes said the pic saw a 10 to 15 per cent abidance in the start sho:. "The response isn't as frenzied as it is in Chennai. But I am cocksure that the collections instrument remove up finished promise of spokesperson." At Arora house in Matunga, huge cutouts of the superstar were seen and several fans thronged to check their god's newest hazard. In Tamil Nadu, the tri-lingual flick, directed by Shankar, opened to a "superior" response, manufacture sources said, adding tickets had been oversubscribed out for the next 10 days. Celebrating their painting's latest give, die-hard Rajni fans performed 'poojas' to his behemoth cutouts maximal theatres and feature crackers.
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